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- *usr_28.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 04
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Folding
- Structured text can be separated in sections. And sections in sub-sections.
- Folding allows you to display a section as one line, providing an overview.
- This chapter explains the different ways this can be done.
- |28.1| What is folding?
- |28.2| Manual folding
- |28.3| Working with folds
- |28.4| Saving and restoring folds
- |28.5| Folding by indent
- |28.6| Folding with markers
- |28.7| Folding by syntax
- |28.8| Folding by expression
- |28.9| Folding unchanged lines
- |28.10| Which fold method to use?
- Next chapter: |usr_29.txt| Moving through programs
- Previous chapter: |usr_27.txt| Search commands and patterns
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.1* What is folding?
- Folding is used to show a range of lines in the buffer as a single line on the
- screen. Like a piece of paper which is folded to make it shorter:
- +------------------------+
- | line 1 |
- | line 2 |
- | line 3 |
- |_______________________ |
- \ \
- \________________________\
- / folded lines /
- /________________________/
- | line 12 |
- | line 13 |
- | line 14 |
- +------------------------+
- The text is still in the buffer, unchanged. Only the way lines are displayed
- is affected by folding.
- The advantage of folding is that you can get a better overview of the
- structure of text, by folding lines of a section and replacing it with a line
- that indicates that there is a section.
- ==============================================================================
- *28.2* Manual folding
- Try it out: Position the cursor in a paragraph and type: >
- zfap
- You will see that the paragraph is replaced by a highlighted line. You have
- created a fold. |zf| is an operator and |ap| a text object selection. You
- can use the |zf| operator with any movement command to create a fold for the
- text that it moved over. |zf| also works in Visual mode.
- To view the text again, open the fold by typing: >
- zo
- And you can close the fold again with: >
- zc
- All the folding commands start with 'z'. With some fantasy, this looks like a
- folded piece of paper, seen from the side. The letter after the "z" has a
- mnemonic meaning to make it easier to remember the commands:
- zf F-old creation
- zo O-pen a fold
- zc C-lose a fold
- Folds can be nested: A region of text that contains folds can be folded
- again. For example, you can fold each paragraph in this section, and then
- fold all the sections in this chapter. Try it out. You will notice that
- opening the fold for the whole chapter will restore the nested folds as they
- were, some may be open and some may be closed.
- Suppose you have created several folds, and now want to view all the text.
- You could go to each fold and type "zo". To do this faster, use this command: >
- zr
- This will R-educe the folding. The opposite is: >
- zm
- This folds M-ore. You can repeat "zr" and "zm" to open and close nested folds
- of several levels.
- If you have nested several levels deep, you can open all of them with: >
- zR
- This R-educes folds until there are none left. And you can close all folds
- with: >
- zM
- This folds M-ore and M-ore.
- You can quickly disable the folding with the |zn| command. Then |zN| brings
- back the folding as it was. |zi| toggles between the two. This is a useful
- way of working:
- - create folds to get overview on your file
- - move around to where you want to do your work
- - do |zi| to look at the text and edit it
- - do |zi| again to go back to moving around
- More about manual folding in the reference manual: |fold-manual|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.3* Working with folds
- When some folds are closed, movement commands like "j" and "k" move over a
- fold like it was a single, empty line. This allows you to quickly move around
- over folded text.
- You can yank, delete and put folds as if it was a single line. This is very
- useful if you want to reorder functions in a program. First make sure that
- each fold contains a whole function (or a bit less) by selecting the right
- 'foldmethod'. Then delete the function with "dd", move the cursor and put it
- with "p". If some lines of the function are above or below the fold, you can
- use Visual selection:
- - put the cursor on the first line to be moved
- - hit "V" to start Visual mode
- - put the cursor on the last line to be moved
- - hit "d" to delete the selected lines.
- - move the cursor to the new position and "p"ut the lines there.
- It is sometimes difficult to see or remember where a fold is located, thus
- where a |zo| command would actually work. To see the defined folds: >
- :set foldcolumn
- This will show a small column on the left of the window to indicate folds.
- A "-" is shown at the start of each fold. A number indicates the fold level.
- To open all folds at the cursor line use |zO|.
- To close all folds at the cursor line use |zC|.
- To delete a fold at the cursor line use |zd|.
- To delete all folds at the cursor line use |zD|.
- When in Insert mode, the fold at the cursor line is never closed. That allows
- you to see what you type!
- Folds are opened automatically when jumping around or moving the cursor left
- or right. For example, the "0" command opens the fold under the cursor
- (if 'foldopen' contains "hor", which is the default). The 'foldopen' option
- can be changed to open folds for specific commands. If you want the line
- under the cursor always to be open, do this: >
- :set foldopen=all
- Warning: You won't be able to move onto a closed fold then. You might want to
- use this only temporarily and then set it back to the default: >
- :set foldopen&
- You can make folds close automatically when you move out of it: >
- :set foldclose=all
- This will re-apply 'foldlevel' to all folds that don't contain the cursor.
- You have to try it out if you like how this feels. Use |zm| to fold more and
- |zr| to fold less (reduce folds).
- The folding is local to the window. This allows you to open two windows on
- the same buffer, one with folds and one without folds. Or one with all folds
- closed and one with all folds open.
- ==============================================================================
- *28.4* Saving and restoring folds
- When you abandon a file (starting to edit another one), the state of the folds
- is lost. If you come back to the same file later, all manually opened and
- closed folds are back to their default. When folds have been created
- manually, all folds are gone! To save the folds use the |:mkview| command: >
- :mkview
- This will store the settings and other things that influence the view on the
- file. You can change what is stored with the 'viewoptions' option.
- When you come back to the same file later, you can load the view again: >
- :loadview
- You can store up to ten views on one file. For example, to save the current
- setup as the third view and load the second view: >
- :mkview 3
- :loadview 2
- Note that when you insert or delete lines the views might become invalid.
- Also check out the 'viewdir' option, which specifies where the views are
- stored. You might want to delete old views now and then.
- ==============================================================================
- *28.5* Folding by indent
- Defining folds with |zf| is a lot of work. If your text is structured by
- giving lower level items a larger indent, you can use the indent folding
- method. This will create folds for every sequence of lines with the same
- indent. Lines with a larger indent will become nested folds. This works well
- with many programming languages.
- Try this by setting the 'foldmethod' option: >
- :set foldmethod=indent
- Then you can use the |zm| and |zr| commands to fold more and reduce folding.
- It's easy to see on this example text:
- This line is not indented
- This line is indented once
- This line is indented twice
- This line is indented once
- This line is not indented
- This line is indented once
- This line is indented once
- Note that the relation between the amount of indent and the fold depth depends
- on the 'shiftwidth' option. Each 'shiftwidth' worth of indent adds one to the
- depth of the fold. This is called a fold level.
- When you use the |zr| and |zm| commands you actually increase or decrease the
- 'foldlevel' option. You could also set it directly: >
- :set foldlevel=3
- This means that all folds with three times a 'shiftwidth' indent or more will
- be closed. The lower the foldlevel, the more folds will be closed. When
- 'foldlevel' is zero, all folds are closed. |zM| does set 'foldlevel' to zero.
- The opposite command |zR| sets 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold level that is
- present in the file.
- Thus there are two ways to open and close the folds:
- (A) By setting the fold level.
- This gives a very quick way of "zooming out" to view the structure of the
- text, move the cursor, and "zoom in" on the text again.
- (B) By using |zo| and |zc| commands to open or close specific folds.
- This allows opening only those folds that you want to be open, while other
- folds remain closed.
- This can be combined: You can first close most folds by using |zm| a few times
- and then open a specific fold with |zo|. Or open all folds with |zR| and
- then close specific folds with |zc|.
- But you cannot manually define folds when 'foldmethod' is "indent", as that
- would conflict with the relation between the indent and the fold level.
- More about folding by indent in the reference manual: |fold-indent|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.6* Folding with markers
- Markers in the text are used to specify the start and end of a fold region.
- This gives precise control over which lines are included in a fold. The
- disadvantage is that the text needs to be modified.
- Try it: >
- :set foldmethod=marker
- Example text, as it could appear in a C program:
- /* foobar () {{{ */
- int foobar()
- {
- /* return a value {{{ */
- return 42;
- /* }}} */
- }
- /* }}} */
- Notice that the folded line will display the text before the marker. This is
- very useful to tell what the fold contains.
- It's quite annoying when the markers don't pair up correctly after moving some
- lines around. This can be avoided by using numbered markers. Example:
- /* global variables {{{1 */
- int varA, varB;
- /* functions {{{1 */
- /* funcA() {{{2 */
- void funcA() {}
- /* funcB() {{{2 */
- void funcB() {}
- /* }}}1 */
- At every numbered marker a fold at the specified level begins. This will make
- any fold at a higher level stop here. You can just use numbered start markers
- to define all folds. Only when you want to explicitly stop a fold before
- another starts you need to add an end marker.
- More about folding with markers in the reference manual: |fold-marker|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.7* Folding by syntax
- For each language Vim uses a different syntax file. This defines the colors
- for various items in the file. If you are reading this in Vim, in a terminal
- that supports colors, the colors you see are made with the "help" syntax file.
- In the syntax files it is possible to add syntax items that have the "fold"
- argument. These define a fold region. This requires writing a syntax file
- and adding these items in it. That's not so easy to do. But once it's done,
- all folding happens automatically.
- Here we'll assume you are using an existing syntax file. Then there is
- nothing more to explain. You can open and close folds as explained above.
- The folds will be created and deleted automatically when you edit the file.
- More about folding by syntax in the reference manual: |fold-syntax|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.8* Folding by expression
- This is similar to folding by indent, but instead of using the indent of a
- line a user function is called to compute the fold level of a line. You can
- use this for text where something in the text indicates which lines belong
- together. An example is an e-mail message where the quoted text is indicated
- by a ">" before the line. To fold these quotes use this: >
- :set foldmethod=expr
- :set foldexpr=strlen(substitute(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'\\s','',\"g\"),'[^>].*','',''))
- You can try it out on this text:
- > quoted text he wrote
- > quoted text he wrote
- > > double quoted text I wrote
- > > double quoted text I wrote
- Explanation for the 'foldexpr' used in the example (inside out):
- getline(v:lnum) gets the current line
- substitute(...,'\\s','','g') removes all white space from the line
- substitute(...,'[^>].*','','')) removes everything after leading '>'s
- strlen(...) counts the length of the string, which
- is the number of '>'s found
- Note that a backslash must be inserted before every space, double quote and
- backslash for the ":set" command. If this confuses you, do >
- :set foldexpr
- to check the actual resulting value. To correct a complicated expression, use
- the command-line completion: >
- :set foldexpr=<Tab>
- Where <Tab> is a real Tab. Vim will fill in the previous value, which you can
- then edit.
- More about folding by expression in the reference manual: |fold-expr|
- ==============================================================================
- *28.9* Folding unchanged lines
- This is useful when you set the 'diff' option in the same window. The
- |vimdiff| command does this for you. Example: >
- setlocal diff foldmethod=diff scrollbind nowrap foldlevel=1
- Do this in every window that shows a different version of the same file. You
- will clearly see the differences between the files, while the text that didn't
- change is folded.
- For more details see |fold-diff|.
- ==============================================================================
- *28.10* Which fold method to use?
- All these possibilities makes you wonder which method you should chose.
- Unfortunately, there is no golden rule. Here are some hints.
- If there is a syntax file with folding for the language you are editing, that
- is probably the best choice. If there isn't one, you might try to write it.
- This requires a good knowledge of search patterns. It's not easy, but when
- it's working you will not have to define folds manually.
- Typing commands to manually fold regions can be used for unstructured text.
- Then use the |:mkview| command to save and restore your folds.
- The marker method requires you to change the file. If you are sharing the
- files with other people or you have to meet company standards, you might not
- be allowed to add them.
- The main advantage of markers is that you can put them exactly where you
- want them. That avoids that a few lines are missed when you cut and paste
- folds. And you can add a comment about what is contained in the fold.
- Folding by indent is something that works in many files, but not always very
- well. Use it when you can't use one of the other methods. However, it is
- very useful for outlining. Then you specifically use one 'shiftwidth' for
- each nesting level.
- Folding with expressions can make folds in almost any structured text. It is
- quite simple to specify, especially if the start and end of a fold can easily
- be recognized.
- If you use the "expr" method to define folds, but they are not exactly how
- you want them, you could switch to the "manual" method. This will not remove
- the defined folds. Then you can delete or add folds manually.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_29.txt| Moving through programs
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: